Christine Dehlendorf, MD, MAS

Vice-Chair for Research
Family and Community Medicine

Christine Dehlendorf, MD, MAS, is a Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, with additional appointments in the Departments of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences and Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She founded and directs the Person-Centered Reproductive Health Program, which aims to advance reproductive autonomy and well-being by conducting research and designing programs that center people’s experiences and preferences for sexual and reproductive health and health care, guided by an attention to the intersecting oppressions and structural injustices that impact people’s lives and health. Her work was honored with the Society of Family Planning’s Beacon of Science Award in 2022. She also provides primary care and reproductive health care at the Family Health Center at San Francisco General Hospital and Planned Parenthood.


"It's a reality that we in medicine should catch up with": Physician's attitudes about self-sourced and managed abortion in the United States.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Karlin J, Novaes J, Sarnaik S, Holt K, Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C

Use of Preferred Source of Contraception Among Users of the Pill, Patch, and Ring in the US.

JAMA network open

Gomez AM, Bennett AH, Schulte A, Arcara J, Stern L, Aina AD, Bardwell J, Cadena D, Chaudhri A, Davis L, Dehlendorf C, Frederiksen B, Jones E, Kavanaugh ML, Labiran C, McDonald-Mosley R, Pliska E, Rice WS, Valladares ES, Marshall C

A Scoping Review of Patient-Centered Perinatal Contraceptive Counseling.

Maternal and child health journal

Karlin J, Newmark RL, Oberman N, Dehlendorf C

Conceptualizing Contraceptive Agency: A Critical Step to Enable Human Rights-Based Family Planning Programs and Measurement.

Global health, science and practice

Holt K, Challa S, Alitubeera P, Atuyambe L, Dehlendorf C, Galavotti C, Idiodi I, Jegede A, Omoluabi E, Waiswa P, Upadhyay U

Meeting People's Pregnancy Prevention Needs: Let's Not Force People to State an "Intention".


Dehlendorf C, Perry JC, Borrero S, Callegari L, Fuentes L, Perritt J

Estimates of use of preferred contraceptive method in the United States: a population-based study.

Lancet Regional Health. Americas

Gomez AM, Bennett AH, Arcara J, Stern L, Bardwell J, Cadena D, Chaudhri A, Davis L, Dehlendorf C, Frederiksen B, Labiran C, McDonald-Mosley R, Rice WS, Stein TB, Valladares ES, Kavanaugh ML, Marshall C

Contraceptive Counseling, Method Satisfaction, and Planned Method Continuation among Women in the U.S. Southeast.


Hale N, Dehlendorf C, Smith MG, Stapleton J, McCartt P, Khoury AJ

Implications of Overturning Roe v Wade on Abortion Training in US Family Medicine Residency Programs.

Annals of family medicine

Wulf S, Vinekar K, Dehlendorf C, Srinivasulu S, Steinauer J, Carvajal DN

The status of person-centered contraceptive care in the United States: Results from a nationally representative sample.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Wingo E, Sarnaik S, Michel M, Hessler D, Frederiksen B, Kavanaugh ML, Dehlendorf C

Development of My Decision/Mi Decisión, a web-based decision aid to support permanent contraception decision making.

PEC innovation

Mosley EA, Zite N, Dehlendorf C, Deal A, O'Leary R, Achilles S, Barnato AE, Hall D, Borrero S

A decision support tool has similar high PrEP uptake and increases early PrEP persistence in adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: results from a randomized controlled trial.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Celum C, Seidman D, Travill D, Dehlendorf C, Gumede S, Zewdie K, Wilson W, Morton JF, Baeten JM, Donnell D, Delany-Moretlwe S

"They Go Hand in Hand": Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Core Values of Family Medicine and Abortion Provision Among Family Physicians Who Do Not Oppose Abortion.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Wulf S, Carvajal DN, Razon N, Perez C, McNeil S, Maldonado L, Byrne Fields A, Silverstein I, Dehlendorf C

Using the Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling (PCCC) Measure for Quality Improvement.


Jones EJ, Dehlendorf C, Kriz R, Grzeniewski M, Decker E, Eikner D

Postpartum Family Planning in Pediatrics: A Survey of Parental Contraceptive Needs and Health Services Preferences.

Academic pediatrics

Congdon JL, Bardach NS, Franck LS, Brindis CD, John Boscardin W, Carrasco Z, Cabana MD, Dehlendorf C

Prioritizing Patient Experience: Validation of the Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling Measure as a Performance Measure.


Dehlendorf C, Vittinghoff E, Silverstein I, Fox E, Logan R, Reed R, Jones DH

Pregnancy Conceptualizations in Women Who Have Had Recent Bariatric Surgery.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Mengesha B, Steinauer J, Carter J, Rodriguez A, Dehlendorf C

Elevating the Patient Voice in Contraceptive Care Quality Improvement: A Qualitative Study of Patient Preferences for Peripastum Contraceptive Care.


Minns A, Dehlendorf C, Peahl AF, Heisler M, Owens LE, Kainen BV, Bonawitz K, Moniz MH

Evaluating the MyPath web-based reproductive decision support tool in VA primary care: Protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized trial.

Contemporary clinical trials

Callegari LS, Benson SK, Mahorter SS, Nelson KM, Arterburn DE, Hamilton AB, Taylor L, Hunter-Merrill R, Gawron LM, Dehlendorf C, Borrero S

Meeting the Needs of Postpartum Women: Provider Perspectives on Maternal Contraceptive Care in Pediatric Settings.

Academic pediatrics

Trope LA, Congdon JL, Bruce JS, Chung PJ, Dehlendorf C, Chamberlain LJ

Statewide Contraceptive Access Initiatives: A Critical Perspective.

American journal of public health

Dehlendorf C, Perritt J

Family Physicians' Barriers and Facilitators in Incorporating Medication Abortion.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Razon N, Wulf S, Perez C, McNeil S, Maldonado L, Fields AB, Holt K, Fox E, Silverstein I, Dehlendorf C

Impact of an educational tool on young women's knowledge of cervical cancer screening recommendations.

Cancer causes & control : CCC

Thiel de Bocanegra H, Dehlendorf C, Kuppermann M, Vangala SS, Moscicki AB

Use of a contraceptive decision support tool in the abortion care setting.


Lerma K, McBrayer A, Nathan S, Dehlendorf C, White K

Feasibility and Acceptability of a Toolkit-Based Process to Implement Patient-Centered, Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Services.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Moniz MH, Dalton VK, Smith RD, Owens LE, Landis-Lewis Z, Peahl AF, Van Kainen B, Punch MR, Wetmore MK, Bonawitz K, Kolenic GE, Dehlendorf C, Heisler M

Promoting Teen-to-Teen Contraceptive Communication with the SpeakOut Intervention, a Cluster Randomized Trial.


Tebb KP, Dehlendorf C, Rodriguez F, Fix M, Tancredi DJ, Reed R, Brindis CD, Schwarz EB

Greasing the wheels: The impact of COVID-19 on US physician attitudes and practices regarding medication abortion.


Karlin J, Sarnaik S, Holt K, Dehlendorf C, Joffe C, Steinauer J

Adapting to Changes in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research: Social Media as an Expedited Recruitment Strategy.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Barney A, Rodriguez F, Schwarz EB, Reed R, Tancredi D, Brindis CD, Dehlendorf C, Tebb KP

Effect of 2 Interventions on Cervical Cancer Screening Guideline Adherence.

American journal of preventive medicine

Moscicki AB, Chang C, Vangala S, Zhou X, Elashoff DA, Dehlendorf C, Sawaya GF, Kuppermann M, Duron Y, Wyand FL, Navarro SK, Thiel de Bocanegra H

Development and Pilot Testing of a Patient-Centered Web-Based Reproductive Decision Support Tool for Primary Care.

Journal of general internal medicine

Callegari LS, Nelson KM, Arterburn DE, Dehlendorf C, Magnusson SL, Benson SK, Schwarz EB, Borrero S

Evolving the Preconception Health Framework: A Call for Reproductive and Sexual Health Equity.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Akers AY, Borrero S, Callegari LS, Cadena D, Gomez AM, Hart J, Jimenez L, Kuppermann M, Levy B, Lu MC, Malin K, Simpson M, Verbiest S, Yeung M, Crear-Perry J

Development of the Patient-Centered Contraceptive Counseling scale (PCCC), a short form of the Interpersonal Quality of Family Planning Care scale.


Dehlendorf C, Fox E, Silverstein IA, Hoffman A, Pérez MPC, Holt K, Reed R, Hessler D

Patient-Led Decision-Making for HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis.

Current HIV/AIDS reports

Sewell WC, Solleveld P, Seidman D, Dehlendorf C, Marcus JL, Krakower DS

Validation of the Interpersonal Quality of Family Planning Scale in a rural Indian setting.

Contraception: X

Johns NE, Dixit A, Ghule M, Begum S, Battala M, Kully G, Silverman J, Dehlendorf C, Raj A, Averbach S

Meeting the Needs of Postpartum Women With and Without a Recent Preterm Birth: Perceptions of Maternal Family Planning in Pediatrics.

Maternal and child health journal

Congdon JL, Trope LA, Bruce JS, Chung PJ, Dehlendorf C, Chamberlain LJ

Birth Control Connect: a randomized trial of an online group to disseminate contraceptive information.


Dehlendorf C, Fox E, Sharma AE, Zhang J, Yang S, Centola D

Beyond same-day LARC access: A person-centered framework for advancing high quality, equitable contraceptive care.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Holt K, Reed R, Perry JC, Scott C, Wulf S, Dehlendorf C

Patient-provider communication before and after implementation of the contraceptive decision support tool My Birth Control.

Patient education and counseling

Holt K, Kimport K, Kuppermann M, Fitzpatrick J, Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C

Reproductive Life Planning and Patient-Centered Care: Can the Inconsistencies be Reconciled?

Maternal and child health journal

Callegari LS, Aiken ARA, Dehlendorf C, Borrero S

Perspectives on patient-centered family planning care from incarcerated girls: a qualitative study.

Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology

Ti A, Burns R, Barnert E, Sufrin C, Dehlendorf C

Cluster randomized trial of a patient-centered contraceptive decision support tool, My Birth Control.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Fitzpatrick J, Fox E, Holt K, Vittinghoff E, Reed R, Campora MP, Sokoloff A, Kuppermann M

Side Effects and Health Benefits of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate: A Systematic Review.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Dianat S, Fox E, Ahrens KA, Upadhyay UD, Zlidar VM, Gallo MF, Stidd RL, Moskosky S, Dehlendorf C

Adapting the Interpersonal Quality in Family Planning care scale to assess patient perspectives on abortion care.

Journal of patient-reported outcomes

Donnelly KZ, Dehlendorf C, Reed R, Agusti D, Thompson R

An in-depth analysis of the use of shared decision making in contraceptive counseling.


Chen M, Lindley A, Kimport K, Dehlendorf C

Client Preferences for Contraceptive Counseling: A Systematic Review.

American journal of preventive medicine

Fox E, Reyna A, Malcolm NM, Rosmarin RB, Zapata LB, Frederiksen BN, Moskosky SB, Dehlendorf C

Contraceptive Counseling in Clinical Settings: An Updated Systematic Review.

American journal of preventive medicine

Zapata LB, Pazol K, Dehlendorf C, Curtis KM, Malcolm NM, Rosmarin RB, Frederiksen BN

Impact of Contraceptive Education on Knowledge and Decision Making: An Updated Systematic Review.

American journal of preventive medicine

Pazol K, Zapata LB, Dehlendorf C, Malcolm NM, Rosmarin RB, Frederiksen BN

Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Faith Centers Operating in Bad Faith.

Journal of general internal medicine

Borrero S, Frietsche S, Dehlendorf C

Promoting medical student self-awareness through a challenging patient workshop.

Medical education

Steinauer J, Baron M, Freedman L, Perrucci A, Dehlendorf C, Cipriano SD

Pill, patch or ring? A mixed methods analysis of provider counseling about combined hormonal contraception.


Craig AD, Steinauer J, Kuppermann M, Schmittdiel JA, Dehlendorf C

Women's preferences for contraceptive counseling in Mexico: Results from a focus group study.

Reproductive health

Holt K, Zavala I, Quintero X, Mendoza D, McCormick MC, Dehlendorf C, Lieberman E, Langer A

No one to turn to: low social support and the incidence of undesired pregnancy in the United States.


Moseson H, Dehlendorf C, Gerdts C, Vittinghoff E, Hiatt RA, Barber J

Perioperative pregnancy interval, contraceptive counseling experiences, and contraceptive use in women undergoing bariatric surgery.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Mengesha BM, Carter JT, Dehlendorf CE, Rodriguez AJ, Steinauer JE

Development of a patient-reported measure of the interpersonal quality of family planning care.


Dehlendorf C, Henderson JT, Vittinghoff E, Steinauer J, Hessler D

Corrigendum to "Shared decision making in contraceptive counseling" [Contraception (2017) 95:452-455].


Dehlendorf C, Grumbach K, Schmittdiel JA, Steinauer J

Quality and Content of Patient-Provider Communication About Contraception: Differences by Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Dehlendorf C, Anderson N, Vittinghoff E, Grumbach K, Levy K, Steinauer J

Pregnancy Options Counseling and Abortion Referrals Among US Primary Care Physicians: Results From a National Survey.

Family medicine

Holt K, Janiak E, McCormick MC, Lieberman E, Dehlendorf C, Kajeepeta S, Caglia JM, Langer A

Future directions in performance measures for contraceptive care: a proposed framework.


Gavin LE, Ahrens KA, Dehlendorf C, Frederiksen BN, Decker E, Moskosky S

Immediate versus delayed postpartum use of levonorgestrel contraceptive implants: a randomized controlled trial in Uganda.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Averbach S, Kakaire O, Kayiga H, Lester F, Sokoloff A, Byamugisha J, Dehlendorf C, Steinauer J

Facilitating State-Wide Collaboration around Family Planning Care in the Context of Zika.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Dehlendorf C, Gavin L, Witt J, Moskosky S

"Every Person's Just Different": Women's Experiences with Counseling for Early Pregnancy Loss Management.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Wallace R, DiLaura A, Dehlendorf C

Development and field testing of a decision support tool to facilitate shared decision making in contraceptive counseling.

Patient education and counseling

Dehlendorf C, Fitzpatrick J, Steinauer J, Swiader L, Grumbach K, Hall C, Kuppermann M

Shared decision making in contraceptive counseling.


Dehlendorf C, Grumbach K, Schmittdiel JA, Steinauer J

Patient-provider conversations about sterilization: A qualitative analysis.


Kimport K, Dehlendorf C, Borrero S

Addressing potential pitfalls of reproductive life planning with patient-centered counseling.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Callegari LS, Aiken AR, Dehlendorf C, Cason P, Borrero S

Provider self-disclosure during contraceptive counseling.


McLean M, Steinauer J, Schmittdiel J, Chan P, Dehlendorf C

Rethinking the Pregnancy Planning Paradigm: Unintended Conceptions or Unrepresentative Concepts?

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Aiken AR, Borrero S, Callegari LS, Dehlendorf C

Association of the quality of interpersonal care during family planning counseling with contraceptive use.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Henderson JT, Vittinghoff E, Grumbach K, Levy K, Schmittdiel J, Lee J, Schillinger D, Steinauer J

Racial and ethnic differences in women's preferences for features of contraceptive methods.


Jackson AV, Karasek D, Dehlendorf C, Foster DG

Reducing under-reporting of stigmatized health events using the List Experiment: results from a randomized, population-based study of abortion in Liberia.

International journal of epidemiology

Moseson H, Massaquoi M, Dehlendorf C, Bawo L, Dahn B, Zolia Y, Vittinghoff E, Hiatt RA, Gerdts C

Realizing Reproductive Health Equity Needs More Than Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC).

American journal of public health

Gubrium AC, Mann ES, Borrero S, Dehlendorf C, Fields J, Geronimus AT, Gómez AM, Harris LH, Higgins JA, Kimport K, Luker K, Luna Z, Mamo L, Roberts D, Romero D, Sisson G

Medication abortion failure in women with and without previous cesarean delivery.


Dehlendorf CE, Fox EE, Ali RF, Anderson NC, Reed RD, Lichtenberg ES

Bringing patients' social context into the examination room: an investigation of the discussion of social influence during contraceptive counseling.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Levy K, Minnis AM, Lahiff M, Schmittdiel J, Dehlendorf C

A qualitative analysis of approaches to contraceptive counseling.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Dehlendorf C, Kimport K, Levy K, Steinauer J

Women's social communication about IUDs: a?qualitative?analysis.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Anderson N, Steinauer J, Valente T, Koblentz J, Dehlendorf C

A qualitative study of pregnancy intention and the use of contraception among homeless women with children.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Kennedy S, Grewal M, Roberts EM, Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C

Provider counseling to young women seeking family planning services.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Minnis AM, Mavedzenge SN, Luecke E, Dehlendorf C

Shared decision making and motivational interviewing: achieving patient-centered care across the spectrum of health care problems.

Annals of family medicine

Elwyn G, Dehlendorf C, Epstein RM, Marrin K, White J, Frosch DL

Exploring young adults' contraceptive knowledge and attitudes: disparities by race/ethnicity and age.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Craig AD, Dehlendorf C, Borrero S, Harper CC, Rocca CH

Counseling about IUDs: a mixed-methods analysis.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Dehlendorf C, Tharayil M, Anderson N, Gbenedio K, Wittman A, Steinauer J

Racial/ethnic disparities in contraceptive use: variation by age and women's reproductive experiences.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Park SY, Emeremni CA, Comer D, Vincett K, Borrero S

Disparities in abortion rates: a public health approach.

American journal of public health

Dehlendorf C, Harris LH, Weitz TA

Racial and ethnic differences in men's knowledge and attitudes about contraception.


Borrero S, Farkas A, Dehlendorf C, Rocca CH

Pregnancy options counseling for adolescents: overcoming barriers to care and preserving preference.

Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care

Dobkin LM, Perrucci AC, Dehlendorf C

Immediate versus delayed initiation of the contraceptive patch after abortion: a randomized trial.


Steinauer JE, Sokoloff A, Roberts EM, Drey EA, Dehlendorf CE, Prager SW

A long-term evaluation of a required reproductive health training rotation with opt-out provisions for family medicine residents.

Family medicine

Goodman S, Shih G, Hawkins M, Feierabend S, Lossy P, Waxman NJ, Gold M, Dehlendorf C

Early pregnancy failure management among family physicians.

Family medicine

Wallace R, Dehlendorf C, Vittinghoff E, Gold KJ, Dalton VK

Teleconsultation improves primary care clinicians' confidence about caring for HIV.

Journal of general internal medicine

Waldura JF, Neff S, Dehlendorf C, Goldschmidt RH

Women's questions after postabortion insertion of intrauterine contraception.


Diedrich JT, Drey EA, Dehlendorf C, Steinauer JE

Women's preferences for contraceptive counseling and decision making.


Dehlendorf C, Levy K, Kelley A, Grumbach K, Steinauer J

He's a real man: a qualitative study of the social context of couples' vasectomy decisions among a racially diverse population.

American journal of men's health

Shih G, Dubé K, Sheinbein M, Borrero S, Dehlendorf C

Evidence-based IUD practice: family physicians and obstetrician-gynecologists.

Family medicine

Harper CC, Henderson JT, Raine TR, Goodman S, Darney PD, Thompson KM, Dehlendorf C, Speidel JJ

Identifying counseling needs of nulliparous adolescent intrauterine contraceptive users: a qualitative approach.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Brown MK, Auerswald C, Eyre SL, Deardorff J, Dehlendorf C

Multi-specialty family planning training: collaborating to meet the needs of women.


Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C, Grumbach K, Landy U, Darney P

A study of physician recommendations for reversible contraceptive methods using standardized patients.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Dehlendorf C, Grumbach K, Vittinghoff E, Ruskin R, Steinauer J

Race, ethnicity and differences in contraception among low-income women: methods received by Family PACT Clients, California, 2001-2007.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Dehlendorf C, Foster DG, de Bocanegra HT, Brindis C, Bradsberry M, Darney P

Racial and ethnic disparities in contraceptive method choice in California.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Shih G, Vittinghoff E, Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C

Access to abortion services: a neglected health disparity.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Dehlendorf C, Weitz T

Communication in reproductive health: intimate topics and challenging conversations.

Patient education and counseling

Dehlendorf C, Rinehart W

Preferences for decision-making about contraception and general health care among reproductive age women at an abortion clinic.

Patient education and counseling

Dehlendorf C, Diedrich J, Drey E, Postone A, Steinauer J

Recommendations for intrauterine contraception: a randomized trial of the effects of patients' race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Ruskin R, Grumbach K, Vittinghoff E, Bibbins-Domingo K, Schillinger D, Steinauer J

Racial variation in tubal sterilization rates: role of patient-level factors.

Fertility and sterility

Borrero S, Abebe K, Dehlendorf C, Schwarz EB, Creinin MD, Nikolajski C, Ibrahim S

The effect of patient gynecologic history on clinician contraceptive counseling.


Dehlendorf C, Ruskin R, Darney P, Vittinghoff E, Grumbach K, Steinauer J

Disparities in family planning.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Rodriguez MI, Levy K, Borrero S, Steinauer J

Health disparities: definitions and measurements.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Bryant AS, Huddleston HG, Jacoby VL, Fujimoto VY

Sociocultural determinants of teenage childbearing among Latinas in California.

Maternal and child health journal

Dehlendorf C, Marchi K, Vittinghoff E, Braveman P

A descriptive analysis of abortion training in family medicine residency programs.

Family medicine

Brahmi D, Dehlendorf C, Engel D, Grumbach K, Joffe C, Gold M

Integrating abortion training into family medicine residency programs.

Family medicine

Dehlendorf C, Brahmi D, Engel D, Grumbach K, Joffe C, Gold M