What is sexual and reproductive wellbeing?
Wellbeing is increasingly recognized as a desirable outcome that governments and policymakers should both measure and prioritize. However, sexual and reproductive health has often been left out of the well-being discussion.
In collaboration with the Coalition to Expand Contraceptive Access (CECA) and other partners within the United States and globally, PCRHP has been working to develop a measure of Sexual and Reproductive Wellbeing (SRWB). These partners and a diverse working group have produced a definition of SRWB (see below) and a strategy to design and validate a measure of SRWB for both the Global and Domestic US contexts.
SRWB is a state of complete physical, mental, and social fulfillment in all matters related to sex and reproduction, free of injustice, oppression, coercion, violence, and stigma and their consequences. This includes having:
- Freedom and ability to control, act on, and not act on one's sexual and reproductive decisions, desires, goals, and identities, including having comprehensive information, services, and supports, and not being hindered or harmed.
- Holistic and high-quality care for one's sexuality and reproduction, free of judgement and bias, and coercion, that prioritizes personal needs and desires.
- Optimal sexual and reproductive outcomes in accordance with one's needs and desires, including:
- Attaining one's ideal level of sexual and reproductive health
- Having the choice of if, when, and how to become a parent, and ability to do so
- Having a pleasurable and safe sex life
How can SRWB contribute to sexual and reproductive health measurement?
- Allow measurement of the ultimate goal for sexual and reproductive health policy and programming in a manner consistent with reproductive autonomy and Reproductive Justice principles.
- Shift away from only having measures that are siloed, focused on specific aspects of Sexual and Reproductive Health, and deficit framed.
- Build on and leverage the increasing recognition of the value of prioritizing and measuring wellbeing as a means of determining how well people’s health and social needs are met.
What work has been done so far?
Over the last few years, PCRHP and partners have worked on Phase 1 (below) of this work. This has included the creation of a conceptual framework and development of a definition (see above). As Phase 2 begins, the PCRHP team has continued to disseminate the definition of SRWB domestically and globally through conversations with thought leaders and experts in US and global SRH and measurement. As both the global and domestic projects begin Phase 2 work, communication and collaboration with experts will continue.
Guiding Principles of the SRWB Work
- Center values of Reproductive Justice and Sexual Reproductive Health throughout this process
- Define SRWB “in the eye of the beholder”
- Rely on diverse community engagement
- Move away from negative definitions and toward a positive framing
- Reiterate the importance and unique contribution of holistic measures, like SRWB
- What work has been done so far?